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Parking Enforcement at UW-Eau Claire


威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的停车政策和规定旨在加强公共安全, maintaining flexibility and choice, 满足客户对便利和负担得起的需求,并支持大学的使命和目标. 停车和运输部门有一个全面的方法,包括管理停车资产, 促进中转和其他交通方式.


License Plate Recognition (LPR)

AMP Timed Parking

根据校园内的停车标志确定定时停车地点 AMP location. The parking app, AMP Park, 将用于哈斯美术中心附近的定时停车, Hilltop Center, Governors Hall, Murray Hall, Phillips Hall, Schneider Hall, Towers Circle, Corner Lot, University Drive, Hibbard Hall and The Priory.

限时停车可以以15分钟为单位购买, will be $1 an hour and until May 2022, 泊车及运输部门会支付交易费用.

Apple App Store
Google Play

Search the app as "AMP Park".

AMP Parking
Page Family

Blugold Central

Vicki Lord Larson Hall 1108
105 Garfield Ave
Eau claire, WI 54701
United States